About Cami

  • Olivia Adams


    Olivia is a software developer and mother of two with extensive experience in healthcare technology. Cami is named after her youngest son, Cameron, who is disabled due to a congenital CMV infection. After being thrust into the world of parenting and advocating for her disabled child and experiencing the work that it required, she thought - there must be a way to make this easier.

  • Why create Cami?

    Cami is a personal assistant software application for caregivers of disabled children.

    Over 16 million people in the US are caregivers to a disabled child. Less than 1% of the pediatric population in the US is medically complex, but they account for over 30% of dollars spent in pediatric healthcare. Family caregivers, especially moms, are forced to stop working because they can't find adequate childcare or their schedules aren't flexible enough for their child's numerous appointments and therapies.

    By providing caregivers with the right information at the right time and making administrative tasks quick and seamless, Cami can help keep caregivers in the workforce as well as improve the health of disabled children and their families. This is good for families and good for employers and insurers!